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Bug report
Please use this tag when reporting a bug.
behavior like input field with blinking cursor in warning modal window.
leftovers in the context menu
Apple Devices displays as "ms resource:AppsDisplayName"
Kaspersky deletes the installer, calls it Trojan
Incomplete Installation
Duplicates not allowed
SDD shown as HDD
File cleaner closing before finished.
Please help!! App closed mid uninstall
Strange Behaviour
Uninstalr won't open
Error code 0xc0000005 when installing Uninstalr on Windows 11
Settings menu disappear when using standard window frame
'Quick Access' icon appears on desktop after uninstall
Uninstalr does not fully remove Polaris Office
Microsoft.PCManager can't be scanned.
Ffmpeg Batch AV Converter, FFmpeg and Scoop test
Uninstallr won't start
Access Violation error:
Uninstalr 2.5 bugs
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