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General discussion.
Competition Testing- Intallation Recording?
Personal Files gone from my Desktop after running Uninstalr
So the updates have stopped again?
French translation for ScreenshotX?
Please help!! App closed mid uninstall
Items selected for Uninstall still present after reboot ??
Difficulty running as admin
Queries about side-by-side comparisons
Will using Uninstalr exit all running programs?
Does JV16 Powertools offer a portable app download?
System Fixer 1st and then System Cleaner?
Discord Server?
jv16 Unintall Feature
Uninstalr somehow removed Google Chrome.
Widget shows battery state on a desktop which is connected to a UPS
Unable to use my Gmail address for the forum
Deluge (download folder)
BSOD: restart: encrypted ssd
on Uninstalr
How do I add a path to be ignored
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