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Why should you download jv16 PowerTools?
✴ It’s safe
We promise and we are also legally bound to never include any spyware or malware to jv16 PowerTools.
✴ It’ll make your life easier
jv16 PowerTools will make your life with Windows easier!
✴ It’s superior quality
We are dedicated to give you the highest quality software.
✴ Real people, real support, and real community
We have real people ready to answer all your questions and concerns.
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This is an unrestricted free trial version that contains all the features of the full version and has no usage limitations, except it will only work for the free trial period of 14 days. No credit card or account creation are required for the free trial. If you already own a license, simply download this free trial version and use the My Account page within jv16 PowerTools to activate your license.
What our customers say? 😊

Using JV16 for around 20 years and no issues
I have been using JV16 for around 20 years, and RegClean, its predecessor before then. In its primary function of cleaning up the registry, software remnants, and making Windows work better I have had absolutely no issues.
The hundreds of thousands of registry entries and files JV16 has identified as unnecessary and worthy of deletion have never been in error in my experience. I have nothing but praise for this product.

Highly Recommend!
So many times tech support is nothing more than a 'black' hole. Help is required, you submit the issue and it falls into the abyss. This is not the case with MaceCraft Software. Their software is solid, stable and their support staff is responsive and knowledgeable.
I don't give out A's often but MaceCraft Software deserves it. MaceCraft Software is an excellent choice.

Great software, great service
Work in IT and have used their software for years without problems. Had a slight problem late on Sunday afternoon, submitted a ticket and within half an hour Stefan responded with solution - on a Sunday!
Many of the huge software companies could take lessons from Macecraft on customer service