The developer of RegCleaner, jv16 PowerTools, Uninstalr, WinFindr, Startup Timer, ScreenshotX, System Examiner and Windows Update Fixer.
It has come to our attention that there is a potential problem in the Registry Cleaner feature of jv16 PowerTools 2009, including the most recent version.
Under some cases the Registry Cleaner can report a false positive, in other words, an item that is actually not a registry error. The problem does not occur on all systems.
If the false positive item is fixed or deleted by the Registry Cleaner some system problems may occur. Such problems include problems of launching shortcut files or executing applications.
How to avoid the problem:
Write “\folder\” and “\drive\” to the Ignore Words list available in the Registry Cleaner’s window.
What to do if you have experienced the problem:
If the problem has caused problems with your computer, you can undo the damage by downloading and applying this registry file: (do not download this file if you are not experiencing any problems with your computer)
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this issue and we are working hard to make sure problem like this will never occur again with our products.