Time to report about the fifth Release Candidate. Some screenshots attached as a bonus as well :)
Software Manager
Both the "Custom Uninstall" and "Uninstall" features keep crashing the program as always.
Past betas reported about 172 entries in the list, this Release Candidate only lists 87 entries, an improvement over past Release Candidates. This was fixed in RC2, but it's broken again in RC5. And, unlike RC1, deactivating the "Age" system doesn't list more entries.
The speed of PowerTools when extracting the information from the registry seems to be lower in this RC. It starts as fast as always, but then the progress bar starts to slow down, but don't worry, it ends its work without no problem, there's no freezing of any kind.
The new "Remove" button at the top of the "Custom Uninstall" window remains highlighted after clicking on it.
When you first start the tool, maximizing the window produces an empty column. This also happens in several other tools.
Activating the "Age" or the "Comments" system (or both) produces the effect captured on the first screenshot. In addition to this, one less entry is listed.
A HKCU configuration entry is not being displayed correctly. The registry stores the entry as "PC Wizard 2005", but PowerTools cuts the "Software" string to "2005" only.
There are several registry entries which installation paths appears as "N/A", although they have the "AppPath" entry in its registry key. Some particular examples are BlueJ, Total Uninstall, Wallpaper Changer, the same PowerTools... :)
Clicking with the right button on an entry and then clicking on another doesn't update the information at the top of the screen, as you can see in the second screenshot. This problem is also present in several other tools.
I'm wondering... Why can you edit the information about the different entries listed in the "Custom Uninstall" window?
The "Software Manager" only extracts string values from the registry, does it?
And the main executable path is extracted by doing a quick search of the installation path, am I wrong?
Now that the "Run Uninstaller" feature seems to work seamlessly (tried all the installed software, and the uninstallation routines were found without problems), another problem is lurking in the horizon. Some software is uninstalled in silent mode (particularly, Microsoft software and updates), and this can be a pain in a normal computer (thank God, I got a safety net, so I didn't have any problem). Maybe some reminder about this fact could help less experienced users.
Startup Manager
On the first run of the tool during a session of the program, clicking on an already running process produces the effects portrayed in the thirth screenshot. Clicking on another entry, and then clicking on the same one fills the empty fields with "N/A" (Win98 limitations).
Highlighting an entry corresponding to an already running process and then clicking in one of the menus make the menu remain on screen only a few seconds. Same thing happens if you call other windows from within this tool and you click on their menus.
The "Execute" function doesn't seem to work.
The shell menu doesn't appear on running processes.
Activating the "Age" or the "Comments" system almost disable the capabilities of this tool, producing the effect captured on the fourth screenshot.
Registry Manager
All tabs have an empty column.
The list order in the "Add/Remove" tab is a complete mess. Entries get mixed and clicking on the "Software" column in a attempt to solve the problem only makes it worse. Two example screenshots, one before clicking on the column and one after doing that (5 and 6).
Confirmed. The "Refresh current section" option doesn't work. I deleted an entry with RegEdit, clicked on the function and went to eat. When I came back, the entry was still there. So the screen wasn't refreshed.
Activating the "Age" system breaks the tabs badly. Same happens with the "Comments" system. Some screenshots attached (7, 8, 9 and 10). The numbers of entries found in the different sections decrease as well.
Registry Cleaner
The "Results" window could use a bit more width for the "System Health Indicator" bar to be displayed correctly, as you can see on the eleventh screenshot.
History/MRU Cleaner
Seems that the Wordpad plugin needs some "BaseValue" information to list any entry, since it reports 0 entries in my computer, although the "Key" especified in the .dat file contains 3 entries.
I've observed that if you open a small window in PowerTools (say the "Settings" window or the "File Finder" dialog), then you click in another window minimized in the taskbar to bring it to the front, and, finally, you click the same window in the taskbar again to minimize it, the small window in PowerTools disappears from there and it's nowhere to be seen. The only way for it to reappear is minimizing and restoring PowerTools again, then you get back the small window.
Uhm, this ImageShack service is excellent for forums.