Hi everyone. I am a new user of V16 2005 (Trial version), and previously a trial user of Reg Supreme Pro.
I loved (and highly recommended)RSP. Yet then stopped short of buying it at that time because I am Beta Testing three MS apps, and it would have been unfair to use this (IMHO) to use the Reg Supreme Pro until I had better test driven the MS Beta apps.
Here are my ideas for improvement (if they have not already been implemented into V16 2006)
(1) Seems this was mentioned by previous poster but the idea of the progress bar was only submitted for two of the tools by the poster(sorry, cant remember his name at the moment), yet it would be useful for all tool applications; not just the two slowest ones, but all of them.
(2) This one just chapped my hide because I was in an extreme hurry and everyone knows when buttons or hyperlinks are TOO CLOSE to one another that mistakes happen quickly and sometimes irreversibly. My mistake was being just a couple hairs off center of; when using the mouse pop-up menu, I accidentally hit the ALWAYS IGNORE button that is far too close to the DELETE button. I already tried changing font size to minimize what I already saw as a problem, by upping the font size up two sizes and making the font BOLD. This quickly was seen as no solution, as it only obscured 20% of the wording inside the menus. So I bumped it down one size (making one size larger than default) and kept font bold (still the default MS serif font) and this helped, but obviously not enough. I RARELY miss buttons and hit wrong ones. But on something this powerful, it is going to make lots of people old, young, disabled, tired, whatever...to miss the target and make a PC badly wounded or cause several hours of work to reverse. Keep in mind, I was not needing back-up and was surprised to see this same spyware reproduced after deleting it in main remove tool. My mistake was later in Software Manager when delete was centimeters from REMOVE FROM LIST PERMANENTLY. Now I know I can find it ....probably, but I come to idea three.
(3)Many "power users" do not want to download a "manual" when there should be a quick FAQ section for those who want it abbreviated. I could have found if there was a quick way to reverse my bad aim.
(4) So for the above reasons: make an UNDO or BACK button to undo a mistake. Obviously this cannot be done with BACK-UP on this particular application, because back-up is not to back-up the IGNORE button.
(5) It is obvious the app is colorless and stiff looking without SKINS. There are so many artists out there dying to show off their skills by donating or selling some cool skins for ALL the apps!!
There are my IDEAS. Do I win!! Do I win!! :