I love the program. I was a user of 1.4 and just now decided to upgrade to 2005. I still think that some things could be easily corrected for the 2006 version. Here are a few of the ones that I found:
1. When Update Cache is been run it should have a status window WITH A PROGRESS BAR. I didn't know if the program had hanged or what was happening the first time I ran it after the install.
2. Get a message when updates have been found (when automatic checking) or when there is no update available. And when you check for updates manually get a "No updates" or "Updates found" also. The date of the actual version and of the available update (if present) could be nice to see in these dialogs too.
3. I would be nice to have a progress bar while fixing registry, it is the same as point 1, it is not possible to know what is happening and the program appears as if it has hanged.
Thanks a lot for looking at these.