In version 2017 a new function is included called "Pictures AntiSpy".
I will strongly argue about the way this tool values this function as a way to increase
personal privacy.
By enabling this function the Powertool will erase all personalized information from all photos
on the basis they can be a threat to the peoples personal privacy and also possibly to more evel attacks.
Among the information to be erased are of course GPS-data giving the location for the photo,
the day and time of the photo as opposed to the date the file was last copied from one unit to another.
Imagine all photos there will be unforgettable memories from weddings, honeymoons, birthdays,
last climb to the top of Mount Everest. Yes the pictures are there but not the data of when and where
the picture was shot. Even if the pictures originally are shot with phones, cameras, pads and other
divices not running Powertools it is most likely that the pictures rather sooner than later will be
transferred to a PC (family-server) for storing and backup and the second that transfer takes place
the information I claim is of a VERY high personal value is erased for ever (apart from the original
still in the camera/smartphone)
I suppose we can not argue with that the pictures are a possible source for evel attacks but how high is the risc?
I would like to see Macecraft impose a much leaner policy by still keeping the software function but in a much
more tutorial like way inform customers about the danger with the function.
Today I absolutely think there are people out there that have fallen for the comments like "Picture AntiSpy is
not enabled. You should enable its protection" and without knowing the full impact have enabled the
function. Is the privacy of the picture so much more violated by keeping the position of the church
where you got married than the picture it self without those data?
Think about it.