Yes I have a similar problem. It does not appear to be 100% consistant but here is one scenario
I ran.
Started up the tool.
Started up normally
Started "Main Tools"
Started "Windows AntiSpy". After 20-30 sec the tool opened but without the icon-menu on the left.
Started "Windows AntiSpy" again. A blank screen appears with only "Back" upper/left
After a while the Windows AntiSpy software screen appears
Now the screen is totally inaccessible except for the Back arrow. The AntiSpy process is not visible
in the Activityhandler (is that the English name)
In the AntiSpy screen the buttons Apply and Cancel are inaccessible.
As I said. This is one scenario. While writing this a tested other scenarios. Different results.
The ESC key makes the tool to die instantly. Is that intentionally?
Sorry. The inconsistance makes it hard to give a detailed description.
/Gunnar Ståhl