mihaibarbulescu wroteArctucas wroteMy mistake, I now see that the check boxes are to delete data, where I believe in previous versions the boxes were to keep data, e.g. license? Or maybe I am thinking of another application that uses similar in their uninstall routine.
Thank you for clarifying that. I should have been more attentive.
My pleasure. If you did not get that right, it means that our interface needs improvement.
If you have any suggestions to make things any clearer, send me a forum private message with a description of how you would see the uninstall interface improved at content level / user interface elements level and we will be glad to consider the changes, if for the better!
Frankly, I would prefer to make a suggestion in the open forum, if that is amenable, and I believe you might want others to see that suggestion, so they might comment as to whether they agree, disagree and/or have suggestions of their own to offer.
So, here is my thought on the matter:
My expectation, when I uninstall an application, is that every trace; files, folders, registry entries, etc., be removed from the PC.
Therefore, when an application presents a pop-up during the uninstall routine, I believe it should be to offer the user the option of keeping data, since the user has obviously chosen to uninstall said application, implying the desire for complete removal.