I notice a lot of improvement but I feel I can't comment on speeds. There were slight delays but with the Quad Core units there is little to no speed loss. However, in the earlier machines, OS, there would be a significant delay. (Been there, dealt with it --- painfully.)
With the new version I do have a problem right from the download and install. On a "restart" the following window appears stating;
Systems Settings Change
Your hardware settings have changed. Please reboot your computer for these changes to take affect. OK
This started immediately after closing JV16X the first time (not having used any tools) and restarting. It continues to happen even on cold starts. As usual the download and install went without a hitch, and the program start was flawless. Note also that the first window that appeared was a "device change" window asking me to restart. Since then it has been the System Settings Change.
I have been keeping JV16-2017 (not using the beta after having serious problems) up to date but this updating was some time ago and this second problem just appeared. At computer restart/cold start I am getting a flickering of the first screen (before the password screen). At the same time I am noticing that the wireless icon is turning on and off. After 3 to 4 flickers the screen settles down and I proceed to go to the password screen. All goes well from there with the exception of the first "systems settings change" item.
No programs or devices have been added recently and the screen flicker is new also. Any thoughts?
By the way "Clean and Fix" works as it should now --- however, jumping out of the results screen before I can check those results is a bit annoying. Once again, I reset the computer automatically --- you have me well trained.