An updated build of the RC2 has been released. The new version is You can download it from here:
It contains the following changes:
Fix: The Clean And SpeedUp My Computer can freeze while scanning (never completes), or crash to an Access Violation error.
Fix: The Check for vulnerable software can show false positives, that is, it recommends you to update a software even if you have the latest version.
Fix: Uninstalling jv16 PowerTools can leave files behind to its installation folder in the case the uninstallation was started while the software's background process was running.
Fix: The software can display an error message about "File I/O error", especially when just installed.
Fix: Startup Timer's window caption is not correct.
Improvement: Changed references of "anti-virus" to "anti-virus or anti-malware" to be more exact.
Improvement: Small updates to the user interface of the Startup Timer.
NOTE: If you are running an older version of the RC2, you can update by installing this version over it without uninstalling the old version first. If you are using any older version of PowerTools, do not try to update by installing this version over the old version.