Well, you can add me to the list of having this problem, re having troubles with version, also. In fact, on their own, my desktop and laptop computers will both revert back to 1514, ON THEIR OWN. I have added JV16, as an exception, to both my antivirus program (McAfee) and my anti-malware program (Malwarebytes). No change. After a few uses of version 1517 the computer will revert back to version 1514. My operating systems are both Windows 10. Incidentally, there is no notification (until I check for updates) that this reversion has taken place and all acts in version 1514 as it did in 1517.
Another observation is the fact that "uninstalling" program lists do not include the greater number found when using the normal Windows process. The fact that JV16 performed this function with much more accuracy in Windows 7 and 8 (8.1) systems makes me think that it may all be related.
Windows 10 updates/upgrades may have something to do with it but it's hard to say. I do know that other software I'm running feels these Windows 10 changes. This other software is easily adjusted.