Actually, only using facilities already designed into Power Tools, I made it portable some years ago. It was just an exercise, since I have no particular need for a portable version.
Because of this post, today I made PT X 1494 "portable." By portable, I mean it is installed to a flash drive which can be inserted into any Windows computer Macecraft supports, and Power Tools can run from the flash drive. Then the flash drive can be removed and used on a different computer to run Power Tools there. And so on, just one computer at a time. One does have to force an initial setup the first time it is run on each computer; the Cache, Backups, and Snapshots folders, and perhaps the Tasks folder must stay on the computer. They don't even exist on the flash drive. The Settings--Installation window is pictured below.
Capture portable from H.JPG
Four items have to be manually setup on the flash drive before running the jv16pt setup. These are highlighted in this explorer window:
Capture portable setup.JPG
@ jv16 ... Shall I post further details in case someone wants to try it?