If you own a license for jv16 PowerTools X or you own a Platinum VIP license, you can update by following these steps:
1. Download the free trial version of PowerTools X.
2. Install PowerTools X. Install it to a new directory, you do not need to uninstall PowerTools 2014 if you want to keep both versions. If you only want the latest version, feel free to uninstall the old version first.
3. Open PowerTools X and open the My Account feature.
4. Enter your name and email address to the My Account feature. Be sure to use the same information you used with your order.
After you have entered your information, the My Account feature should automatically download and install your license, and convert the trial version to the full version.
If that doesn't work, please use the Download My License page (https://www.macecraft.com/my-license/) to list your orders and see what licenses you current own.
The screenshot you sent doesn't seem to be relating to Macecraft or PowerTools in any ways. If you want me to check your account status, please send me a Private Message with your name and email address. The email address you used to register to the forum is not associated with any orders, if you have bought PowerTools, you must have used another email address.
Thank you for your patience and kind words 8)