Hi all!
Although a new version of Powertools is not there yet, in which jv will eventually correcting a bug, I found out something else in the meantime.
If I change in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management ClearPageFileAtShutdown" = "1" in "0", shutting down the laptop lasts only a few seconds! And not 10 minutes or more!
So what does this mean? A driver or a programm which doesn´t finish correctly? Furthermore ExistingPageFiles is set to \??\C.sys and PagingFiles set to ?.\Pagefile.sys. Are they correct? Could someone shed more light on this? Thanks in advance.
Perhaps somewhat for a next version if this is possible. A log-file which enable us to nail down the program or driver which causes trouble.
I listed the processes etc. by the taskmanager which are in use before shutting down, but I do not find something weard, nor can I say which of these doesn´t work right.
Kind regards,