I have had a Platinum VIP license for several years, and I have upgraded to the different new versions of jv16 Power Tools using that license. However, recently when I downloaded the new jv16 PT 2014 and installed it, it would not accept my license. When I specifically try to open the license file, it says that file applies only for an earlier version. However, the Platinum license is supposed to be good for all updates for life. When I select the download license from the menu, it says there is a problem and I should file a ticket for support. I filed a ticket requesting assistance a week ago, and there has been no response of any kind. The ticket says it has not been assigned to anyone to respond.
I find it ironic that, while waiting for the response, I have received at least one email asking me to purchase a Platinum VIP license so I can get unlimited upgrades in the future. I have no problem with getting these kinds of emails, but I am beginning to wonder if this product really has any backing any more. Does anyone have any idea how to get a response out of Macecraft???? If you are thinking of purchasing the Platinum VIP license, you might want to think about it.