Hello dear MaceCraft,
Let me first tell you that I am a very satisfied customer & heavy user of JV 16 PT since many years, since this is by far the best registry cleaner I know (mainly use that function), so I have a very clean computer and register. I have WIN7x64, all things up to date.
Being an addict to JV16, I also became a béta-tester since 2013, in march-april 2013.
So when a new version of JV16 appears I am mainly interested in what the registry-cleaner does better or else than the previous version. So you must read this as a comparison to the previous 2013-full version.
As I take a full image of my drives (with Norton Ghost) before I start béta-testing, I also test afterwards to the max, that means I test all "engine settings" (from normal to most aggresive) and also in combination with all "Scanning Modes" (up to Reference mode).
These are my conclusions :
1) The Handbook-link indeed doesn't work - the pdf-file is also only a few bytes, where a full handbook-pdf is between 2 and 3 Mb - as a solution I replaced it with the 2013-pdf-handbook, waiting on a solution of this problem.
2) While there was a big difference between the registry-cleaner 2012 versus 2013 regarding speed & right positives (especially regarding cleaning previous Microsoft Silverlight versions), for my computer there is practically no difference between 2013 en the new 2014:
* the good news is that the false positives on 'TapiSysprep' and 'Readyboot' are gone (which I also reported on 2013-testing but were never resolved - as a solution for myself I put them in the ignore-words) - because repairing/deleting these false positives-keys gave trouble in that they kill the ReadyBoot-process
* the bad news is that there are 3 remaining false positives :
- I use the very good & commonly known DFX-sound enhancer by PowerTech - JV16 2013 & 2014 give DFX & PowerTech as false positves - when repairing or deleting these keys, you have to re-install the DFX-program - as a solution for myself I put them in the ignore-words
- a false positive 'Volatile' is known for many releases now - Volatile is part of the updating process of Norton Internet Security (also the new 2014-version of NIS) - so it would be great to solve this false positive for once and for all, because there are so many Norton-users around the world - as a solution for myself I put Volatile in the ignore-words
* another major fault/defect remains in 2014, which was also the case in the 2013-version, but this one is for professional users who know what they are doing/cleaning : the "Additional Safety" means no difference - if you check or uncheck the 4 boxes there , there are no more or less positives found. I found this interesting in the 2012-version, because there JV16 2012 found & could remove leftovers of previous Anti-virus-versions as Norton for instance.
Conclusions : JV16 2014 remains by far the reference and the best amongst registry cleaners, but for users like me who have used JV16 for years now, the new 2014 version is not better nor worse than 2013 regarding registry cleaning, so I really hope to get a free licence again for béta-tester : because paying for an upgrade from 2013 to 2014 for me is really not worth the price, especially because the 2013-version is only a half year released/in use (april 2013), so I found it very strange that there was already a new version after merely 5 months...
Best to JV16-team , Rik