Well my PC is Win7 x64, too, but the utility never finished initializing. I let it run for 8 hours. There is no bug report. jvPT never crashes, it just keeps running and running. One time I managed to get the dialog box but I don't know how and can't re-create it. It was completely empty yet when I clicked to save the list I actually got a list of items. Everything else seems to work. It's like it's choking on something but I don't know what. All of the registry tool work fine so it seems to be able to access the registry okay. I don't know how to get this utility to work. I did not have this problem with either the 2011 or 2012 version. How do I troubleshoot this?
Also if I abort the utility and exit the software then jv16PTexe never unloads and I can't restart the application (says it's already running). I have to kill the process in task manager before I can restart the program.