The scan now gives me a list of some 800 files to fix, but as mentioned, if and when I do attempt to clean the registry, on the next boot WSFTP 9 claims to be uncorrectly installed for the current user.
I've had this problem before and I have to dedicate myself to going through the ever-growing list of items to find entries containing the words ipswitch or wsftp. So be it. I did and I have, but it isn't enough. Still get the error.
What this means is surely that there has to be wsftp entries that camouflage themselves under some fubar alias that's unrecognizable as pertaining to wsftp. Also, if I want to fix my registry, I'll have to reinstall wsftp afterwards and perhaps loose the ftp-access information it holds.
Needless to say, that'd suck.
Any ideas?