jv16 wroteThe creation of the Quick Launch icon was confirmed from you in the Installer in the "Select what features to install" step. The option to install the Quick Launch icon is enabled by default but can be disabled under the Shortcuts item of the Installer. You can verify this by running the installer again.
Earth to Macecraft!
First of all, because it's a change to the user's desktop, literally every program that I know of asks explicitly if the user wants the icon placed on the Taskbar, and does not bury it behind a closed list ('+'). People have enough problem dealing with browser toolbars and such that companies try to install for additional revenue, but putting a program's main icon on the Taskbar without directly asking, it's just not done that I've ever come across.
Second, the install option is to "Add Quick Launch icon," however the Quick Launch toolbar has not existed since Windows XP! How many years has it been now? Windows 7 was released in October 2009. As I wrote previously, I've "added an XP-style Quick Launch toolbar;" i.e., it's not an official part of Windows. See the screenshot (applies to Win 8 too for people using the Win 7-style desktop).
Third, per Microsoft, the terminology used for placing an icon on the Taskbar in Windows starting with Windows 7 has been called "Pinning." Every other program I've come across that pops the taskbar question has used that term for quite some time.
Fourth, with Windows 7, icons pinned to the Taskbar have been by default placed on the left (see the screenshot). Given that I've added an XP-style Quick Launch toolbar and Macecraft's thinking is apparently still in the Windows XP era, I can now understand why jv16 PT betas put the icon on that toolbar when there is one.
Time to update Macecraft's computers...?
Screenshot from Microsoft: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/products/features/windows-taskbar:
jv16 PT - Windows 7 Taskbar MS page.jpg