Cecilchesser wrotejv16 Power tools 2012 on Window 2000 sp4. When I move the mouse pointer over the main window, a window pops up saying jv16PT.exe "An error occurred in the applicaiton".
Continue, Restart or Close. If I ignore the errors, it seems to work ok. But, the 2011 version does not do this.
1.I assume you clicked "Continue" or "Close" after the application error occurred?
2.After an application error a 'Bugreport.txt' file is created in the jv16PT-2012-b1173 installation directory/folder.
Please 'zip' (e.g. using winzip) this Bugreport.txt file and attach/upload the zipped file to this forum thread. NB: without zipping you can not upload the file!