Currently Macecraft has two license problems:
1. During the ordering process they forgot to update the jv16 version. Only on the first step it says you are ordering jv16 2012 version. Thereafter all the confirmations from PayPal are for the 2011(!) version. To make matters worse, customer support service evidently believes, that we are ordering the old 2011 version and are issuing the old 2011 licenses.
2. Licenses are actually not being dispatched at all. If anyone, after issuing a ticket and waiting for god knows how many hours, finally manages to get a license, it turns out it is an old 2011 license (see point no.1 above).
Macecraft really doesn't know how to handle their license problem. I remember 4 years ago, we had the same problem. I grew "a long beard" getting that license. And, think this, I am still their customer. This is what I call loyalty, or perhaps blind love would be better. Well every patience has its limits, mine is running out at this time.