vasek Registry monitor: 1. Counting of highlighted item does not work properly - see registry monitor.jpg, 2. Explore (in the right click menu) does not work properly - it opens to another location, 3. Properties (in the right click menu) does not work - nothing happens.
vasek A random crash (only 1x) - steps to "reproduction": 1. Run the Refistry Finder 2. Click on the Start button 3. Click on the Abort button See bugreport_Registry Finder.txt and jv16PT_debuglog_Registry Finder.html
leonardo Vasek wroteRegistry monitor: 1. Counting of highlighted item does not work properly - see registry monitor.jpg, 2. Explore (in the right click menu) does not work properly - it opens to another location, 3. Properties (in the right click menu) does not work - nothing happens. Confirmed for XP-SP3 and W7-SP1-x86.
leonardo XP-SP3: Access Violation occurred at the opening of the 'Registry Monitor' tool. Bugreport.txt and Debuglog.html are included in the attached .zip file .
leonardo W7-x86-SP1: . 10 'Software Deep Trace' found during Registry Cleaning with the safest cleaning policy. There is no way I can remove these 10 items. I always get the error message 'Failed to modify registry entry.....' . Clipboard01.jpg
vasek Leonardo wroteW7-x86-SP1: . 10 'Software Deep Trace' found during Registry Cleaning with the safest cleaning policy. There is no way I can remove these 10 items. I always get the error message 'Failed to modify registry entry.....' . Clipboard01.jpg This is already reported. Thank you for confirmed it.
[deleted] Vasek wroteRegistry monitor: 1. Counting of highlighted item does not work properly - see registry monitor.jpg, 2. Explore (in the right click menu) does not work properly - it opens to another location, 3. Properties (in the right click menu) does not work - nothing happens. These are now fixed. Immunization Tool crashing without Internet connectivity has also been fixed now.
vasek File tool: 1. The Move to recycle bin function does not work properly - the function don´t move a file with a name containing the following charakters: _ , (space) and maybe other. 2. The Move to... function does not work properly - the function don´t move but the function only copy.
vasek Vasek wroteDirectory tool: Counting of highlighted item does not work properly - see directory tool.jpg. The same thing is in the Control hiden item widow - see Hidden items.jpg
vasek A wrong command in the right click menu in the File Organizer (it should be "List Control") - see File Organizer.jpg.
vasek Vasek wroteVasek wroteDirectory tool: Counting of highlighted item does not work properly - see directory tool.jpg. The same thing is in the Control hiden item widow - see Hidden items.jpg The same in the User Action History - see User action history.jpg
vasek The Abort button in the Backup Tool does not work - reproducible from the User Action History (an item in the right click menu "Show backup").
vasek Custom restore: 1. A bad header - see Custom restore.jpg, 2. The commands Select and Unselect are exchanged - see Custom restore.jpg.
[deleted] Vasek wroteDirectory tool: Counting of highlighted item does not work properly This is already fixed in all tools. Vasek wroteFile tool: 1. The Move to recycle bin function does not work properly - the function don´t move a file with a name containing the following charakters: _ , (space) and maybe other. 2. The Move to... function does not work properly - the function don´t move but the function only copy. Vasek wroteA wrong command in the right click menu in the File Organizer (it should be "List Control") - see File Organizer.jpg.Vasek wroteCustom restore: 1. A bad header - see Custom restore.jpg, 2. The commands Select and Unselect are exchanged - see Custom restore.jpg. Thanks - these have been fixed now.
tullik tullik wroteVersion with 64-bit Windows 7 Global ignore list feature fails to match items in the History Cleaner scans in a time saving way. It can take the History Cleaner around an hour or more to process a large java cache, so I did the following tests: 1. Placed these words in the Global ignore list: java, and, for a test control, DirectX. 2. Ran the History Cleaner. After a long time, it produced its list. 3. The few DirectX items were, as wanted and expected, not listed. 4. The list also showed no items for Sun Java, but it took an hour to produce the list. The relevant paths are "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\n" where n varies from 0 to 63. At the time of the test, these cache subdirectories contained 9,000 files. 5. When SuperHistoryCleanerIgnoreList.dat, containing a "Never show" string for Sun Java, was copied from beta2 Settings to beta3 Settings, the History Cleaner scan took less than a minute. @ hukka What is the reason that ignoring with the global ignore feature is so much slower than with the never show feature? I suspect the former does the ignore check after tabulating all the data while the latter does it before doing all that processing. If so, perhaps the placement of the History Cleaner global ignore check should be changed.
[deleted] tullik wroteWhat is the reason that ignoring with the global ignore feature is so much slower than with the never show feature? I suspect the former does the ignore check after tabulating all the data while the latter does it before doing all that processing. If so, perhaps the placement of the History Cleaner global ignore check should be changed. I haven't worked on the ignore list functionality myself, but looking at the code, both ignore lists seem to be checked at roughly the same place (i.e., when a new item is to be added to the results listing). The global ignore list handler seems pretty optimized to me, so it's hard to say why it would be so much slower, but I'll inform Jouni about this.
tullik hukka wrotetullik wroteWhat is the reason that ignoring with the global ignore feature is so much slower than with the never show feature? I suspect the former does the ignore check after tabulating all the data while the latter does it before doing all that processing. If so, perhaps the placement of the History Cleaner global ignore check should be changed. I haven't worked on the ignore list functionality myself, but looking at the code, both ignore lists seem to be checked at roughly the same place (i.e., when a new item is to be added to the results listing). The global ignore list handler seems pretty optimized to me, so it's hard to say why it would be so much slower, but I'll inform Jouni about this. OK. I'll test the two ignore methods a few more times to see if the difference is consistently repeatable.
vasek An unresponsiveness of the Powertools. Steps to reproduction: 1. Run Anti-Malware, 2. click on the Start button, 3. click on the Yes button (the feature does not installed), 4. click on the Abort button. See jv16PT_debuglog_Antimalware.html.