leonardo Leonardo wroteToday it is 6 weeks ago that jv16PT-2012-beta 2 was released. I wonder if the planning for the remaining part of the jv16PT-2012 beta testing period can be shared with us? John7 wroteSorry I think you are talking to yourself! I certainly don't hope so!
doogie I agree it has gone very quiet around here. Although I'm not taking part in this beta test I'm still keeping an eye on progress.
[deleted] Leonardo wrote Just to make sure this older 'Registry Finder issue' is not missed during beta testing. . Please see: http://www.macecraft.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=4471&p=29903#p29903 Noted, we'll look into that. Sorry for the quietness. I'm working on fixing the remaining bugs in the "Immunize my computer" feature after which we should be about ready to push the next beta out.
vasek Cannot delete a backup. Steps to reproduction: 1. Run the Backup Tool 2. Select one backup 3. Click on the Delete button 4. Click on the No button 5. Click again on the Delete button 6. Nothing happens
leonardo Vasek wroteCannot delete a backup. Steps to reproduction: 1. Run the Backup Tool 2. Select one backup 3. Click on the Delete button 4. Click on the No button 5. Click again on the Delete button 6. Nothings happens Confirmed for XP-SP3 and W7-x86 running beta 2. 6. Nothings happens: until close/open of 'Backups', causing a reset of 'Backups'.