a little bit testing: start: deleting software and remainders does not work.
That is to say , it finds the jv16 and reports a small error , but clicking on continue it goes forever.
Looking to the CPU use; it uses nothing. Tried twice. ( Bad)
Making the computer faster. a couple of seconds ?
Downloading the maleware plugin failed.
Some parts of the regsitry icons are interesting. (On this moment i use Resplended registry editor )
Conclusion some parts are usefull. But the value is low.
Also comparing registries could be better.
with ARM you could scan a regsitry and it is saved automaticly.
the second registry scan ( later) saves also automaticly
then you can compare them and do redo and undo key's
You can scan the regsitry when you like and save them. Also compared from days or weeks ago.
the main usefull part is the registry cleaner. But it does not make the system faster.
This all i have tested on Xphome Sp3.
I will try to explore this also in Windows 7 64 bit or 32 bit.
done this on W7 64 bit. there i got the handbook and other things works better.
So it looks good, but the main part is the registry cleaner and all the other parts i do have it in other utilities.