Leonardo wrote Part2. is IMHO "not finished yet". This is based on my own testing during the 2011 beta's up till build 1029.
I encountered several times the issue "nothing happens" or "no registry items found" when you click 'uninstall' on a selected item.
I agree and I reported several times this issue to the developer (by e-mails, last time here (an atachment "b1009 - all in one.zip" is deleted by me). A description:
6. The Software Unistaller doesn´t find the directory "C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash" of Flash Player, the directory "C:\Program Files\OpenTTD" of OpenTTD, the directory "C:\Program Files\Mp3tag" of Mp3tag, the directory "C Files\Raxco" of PerfectDisk. the directory "C:\Program Files\Realtek" of Realtek High Definition Audio, the directory "C:\Program Files\SMPlayer" of SMPlayer, the directory "C:\Program Files\Paint.NET" of Paint.NET and the directory "C:\Program Files\totalcmd" of Total Commander.
The Software Unistaller doesn´t find the Registry data of Adobe Reader X, Catalyst Control Center - Branding, Intel Matrix Storage Manager, Java 6 Update 25, Paint.NET, Microsoft Antimalware (MSE), Office Word, Excel, OneNote, Access, Silverlight, PerfectDisk, Realtek High Definition Audio, Skype, SuperAntispyware, Texas Instruments PCIxx21/x515/xx12 drivers, Toshiba Assist and Toshiba SD Memory Utilities.
7. Cannot unistall some software, for example: "Client for Google translate", "DesetiPrsty", "Miranda", "WinRar" and the software located in "C:\Users\*\AppData\Local" (software "Seznam Pošťák") - nothing happens after click on the button Unistall.