jrace wroteredseujac wrote
I think it would be nicer to show something like "There is no newer version available" or "You have already the latest version", or simply give the current version number if this is the latest version as jv16 Powertools does.
Why not doing it the same way like jv16 PowerTools 2011?
N/A "not applicable" sounds like the feature is not working.
This is actually true, the feature shows "N/A" because the server didn't return a correct answer. This is now fixed in our end, so starting from now on, the program will no longer report "n/a" there.
Note: If you try the "Check for updates" right now, it might still show the "n/a" thing because the program uses caching so it doesn't actually contact our server if you have recently checked for updates already. This is to save our server load.