You are correct, thank you for reporting that. The issue has been fixed, I simply forgot to update the Change Log.
Here is the most recent Change Log:
Bug: File > Backups > File > Close is not translated.
Bug: If you remove something, backup is created automatically, but if you open Settings window, it says user is always asked before a backup is created.
Bug: The tooltips of Main Window's health gauges are not correct.
Bug: The program can display items of certain Anti-Virus products even if the option to ignore all data relating to Anti-Virus products has been selected under Additional Safety tab.
Improvement: When the program starts for the first time, it automatically uses a translation if one exists for the current language of the system.
Improvement: The About window is now final.
Improvement: Added support for command line parameters.
The next version containing these fixes will be released hopefully in next week. If it includes the final graphics, it will be called Release Candidate 1, if not, it will be called Beta3.