bushpig wroteHow about this string with answers from THE DEVELOPER?
Is this FORUM NEWS or is it a complaint that THE DEVELOPER deems quite appropriate?
You seem to be slightly 'over analytical' don't you think?
This matter is now closed.
JV16 2009 appears to kill Norton Internet Security 2010
Well, in fact you're wrong.
The heading/title of this thread is preceded by an icon containing a blue diagonal up arrow. This means simply that the thread has been moved to another section.
Always when a topic is moved, a "shadow" topic is left in the original section. In other words, there is a shortcut in that section, but if you click it, the actual topic is now in the section to which the topic has been moved. E.g. your thread "ERROR 'Failed to modify'" has been moved to "jv16 PowerTools 2011". In the original section "Forum news" there's still a shortcut to your thread, but if you click it the actual topic is in the section "jv16 PowerTools 2011".
This is to not to confuse the original poster, otherwise he would think his topic was removed.