(this is a copy from the forum thread jv16 Power Tools 2010)
jv16 PowerTools is a very complex application, by simply using it via the Graphical User Interface you will not see 99% of things going on under the hood.
This is why the program contains a feature called Debug Mode.
When the program is run in Debug Mode, it saves to a file (called Debug Log) everything that is going under the hood.
How to make a Debug log:
To create a Debug Log of specific problem, please follow these simple steps:
1. Start jv16 PowerTools
2. Press down keyboard keys ‘Ctrl’ and ‘Shift’, release.
3. A menu called "Debug" is now visible in the main menu of the main window, select "Enable Debug Mode" under it.
4. Close jv16 PowerTools.
5. Start jv16 PowerTools. At each start a clean ‘Debuglog.html’ is created on your desktop.
6. Perform any action you wish to be saved to the Debug log. For example, if you are experiencing a problem of the Registry Cleaner not fixing all found errors,
run the Registry Cleaner and use the Fix button until you see the problem again.
7. Close jv16 PowerTools. The Debug log file “jv16PT_debuglog.html", containig the needed Debug information, is now saved to your desktop.
Note: The Debug log contains very detailed information about the contents of your computer.
Please do not send the Debug log to anyone if your computer contains sensitive information and/or you are worried about your privacy.
All Debug logs sent to Macecraft will be treated as confidential and are not shared with any third party.
How to make a Bugreport.
When running in Debug Mode and jv16 Power Tools encounters a bug that causes jv16PT to crash, a ‘Crash Report Window’ is displayed.
If you wish you can take a screen shot of the ‘Crash Report Window’ and close jv16 Power Tools.
After closing jv16PT a ‘Bugreport.txt’ file is created in the installation directory of jv16 Power Tools.
With a compaction tool (e.g. Winzip) create a .zip file containing “jv16PT_debuglog.html" + “Bugreport.txt” and upload it to the Bug Tracking system: http://www.macecraft.com/bugtracker/