Goodness, it's getting hard to tell if I'm posting a rehash of something or not. That said, if this has been reported before; my apologies.
I ran across and interesting item in the empty file folder remover in this new beta. It would seem to be pointing a junction or reparse point that doesn't exist, please see below.
The program listed is on the machine and I do use it. I find this confusing.
The other issue (maybe not an issue, but perhaps a useful feature) is that I use Windows Live Mail which, for some reason, creates many folders which it does not clean up upon exit. I noticed this by going through the machine to clean it up before doing backups.
This may very well be just local to my system, however, they are empty folders that build up and are useless. If a way could be found to get rid of these; it would be entirely useful. Again, if this is a rehash of something posted before, my apologies.
Thank you.
edit: The empty files in the last screenshot are from Live Mail. My concern with removing the first item is that it might remove the entry from the Start Menu. Not that I use that that much, I prefer the contextual menu, but the Start Menu item has some features I would like to keep. Sorry I didn't test it to find out what happens, that would entail making a backup or re-installing the program if things mess up, and I don't currently have the time. Maybe I'll risk it later.
edit2: This is the "Wave 4" version of Windows Essentials. The previous version did not make these folders, or, it cleaned them up. Just an FYI for others.
last edit: I tested the removal of the entry for Notepad++. It had no effect, the program works, the Start Menu items are intact and functional as are the contextual menus. Make of this what you will.