Leonardo wrote
Bugid: 932598 (Drag/Drop Anti-Malwaretool)
jv16 wrote
I changed the status of this report to "failed to verify", I cannot verify the issue. Either it was fixed earlier or it occurs only on some systems and I cannot reproduce it.
Thanks for your reply this morning.
I am really surprised that Bugid: 932598 (reported already July 4th 2010) cannot be reproduced in your (test)environment.
I could reproduce it on 3 pc's XP-SP3 and 2 pc's W7 x86!
Hopefully other forum readers will give it a try too!
Bugid: 932598 actually reports 2 bugs in the Anti Malware tool, perhaps they are related.
Please try the following:
1.close jv16PT and restart jv16PT (clean start is mandatory)
2.go to Home -> click on "Verify my downloads are safe to run", this opens the jv16PT 2010 Anti-Malware window.
3.in the box "Scan the following files...." type (not Drag & Drop) a directory (e.g. e:\cdfoon) and uncheck the check box "Scan the following download directories..."
4.If you now push the 'Start' button, one would expact only the directory e:\cdfoon to be scanned. However a split second after the 'Start' button is pussed the empty check box for "Scan the following download directories...." is automatically checked again and so scanned for malware. This happening is just visible on the screen, if you watch carefully! the end result is that the directory e:\$T60 is (unwillingly) scanned too.
5.erase the typed directory name (e:\cdfoon) in the box "Scan the following files....."
6.now try to Drag and Drop any directory name in that box. You can not. You get displayed a 'forbidden' sign: a circle with a diagonal line thru it.
7.Closing and restarting jv16PR 2010 will reset the system and right now you can only once drag & drop a directory name in the box "Scan the following files"