I don't have an specific answer to your post, but rather a related question, that we can both hopefully get answers to.
On maximum setting for Registry Cleaner I got 1342 errors under the category
Invalid ActiveX/DDE/COM/DCOM/OLE Item
All at 55% Error Severity with an N/A File Reference
If they are invalid and N/A to any any file is there any reason I shouldn't knock 'em all out?
I've read that sometimes these errors are erroneously designated and could be a problem if removed.
A lot I recognize from software no longer on my PC, which were just from two programs. I manually checked those off and got rid several hundred entries.
The rest I am clueless as to what it may have been attached to.
Attached is a screenshot of several items.
On the previous risk setting setting I am clear of any errors.