oldiesman100 wroteJVPT2010 version on WinXP Pro with SP3 on desktop computer. It doesn't get any easier than this: I get this error message whenever I try to run "Clean and Fix My Computer." It runs for a few minutes and then I get the error message. There are six tabs displayed with a bunch of computer stuff in them, but since I am not an IT professional I can't even begin to figure out what is wrong. I just downloaded the current version this morning, but I got the same error message when using the product with the previous most-current version I had downloaded a few days ago. 2009 worked and the beta versions all worked. When I try to use Registry Tools/Registry Cleaner, everything seems to work okay. A fix would be nice.
Just for a proper understanding:
1. You are running XP-Pro-SP3 with jv16PT version official release as of 1-7-2010) as of this morning?
Clean and Fix my Computer(=CFMC) crashes and display's the Crash report screen (with the >6 tabs).
The LAST line on that screen shows the error that actualy occured. What does it say? For example: Access Violation occured at .........
Is this CFMC error repeatable, does it happen on every CFMC scan?
Registry Cleaner and Registry Finder are working ok, repeatable too?
2. Before this you used jv16PT v2.0.0.960, which is a beta version, showing the same CFMC errors as the official release v2.0.0.961?
Before all this you used previous beta versions like v2.0.0.959/958/... where CFMC did NOT run into this error?
3. Did you install the jv16 versions in the same directory one OVER the other, if so, did you use jv16PT Uninstall BEFORE installing the next version?
Or did you install the beta's and the official release all in their own individual directories?
4. Do you know how to get in DEBUG mode and produce a Debug log and Bugreport as descibed in the threat "How to create a Debug log".