>> Glad to see I'm not the only one who misses those tools <<
Oh, yeah... I would venture to guess that way back when, it was those tools that put jv16pt a step above other reg tools out there. I know those tools made me a loyal fan, plus, of course, it was a free program back then...<grin>...
I also remember one version a long time ago where they dropped those two tools. It was rushed back into the program when many complained.
>> Perhaps I should backup that whole folder??? <<
You could, but it's only the AgeComment*.* files that hold th data for the Age/Comment columns. Keep in mind that this only applies as long as they continue to use the same file/data system. When 2011 comes out and hopefully has Age/Comment back in the program, it depends on how they handle the data.
When 2011 comes out, my plan will be to UPGRADE it over my current v1.9.1.606 and hopefully it will maintain the Age/Comments. If so, hopefully the data will still be held in the AgeComment*.* files. If so, then I'll copy them off, then do a fresh install of 2011, and finally copy back the AGeComment*.* files. If the Age/Comment data system changes with 2011, then I'll just have to figure out where the data is stored and save off those files. I've got my fingers crossed that they maintain the old AgeComment files and that 2011 will cleanly upgrade over v1.9.1.606.