I second this.
I've used jv16 since the program started and I must admit it's never been 100% and I wish it could come closer.
It's still the only program I trust for registry cleaning, but with the last two versions I've been having my doubts.
I've used jv16 for many years and there are always left over items in the registry, especially when you uninstall something, and it's quite disturbing to think you can't trust the software enough and that you have to still manually search over the registry to make sure. Then if it's not cleaning good enough, the worst question one could consider, ask, is it killing stuff it shouldn't be? And this I have seen a few times, with programs getting killed that need reinstalling.
I see that with the 2010 we now have a slightly changed GUI, with window fading and other little goodies. While these might be nice for eye candy, I'll take performance any day over this and personally I could give a hoot if the GUI ever changed it's looks as long as it did the job really great!
I don't know who is the developer if it's still the original that created this program but I really feel that someone needs to go back to the drawing board and get back to the basics of making the program simply do it's job better rather then giving us fancier looking GUIs that don't amount to squat.
I hope the developers will look at this and start getting more down to the basics here ansd stick to what really matters, a program for helping maintain a registry, not just a pretty GUI.