The blank relaunch window concern is fixed-Windows 7 (x64) Ultimate-for me anyways. All the System Tools work correctly other than the window size and arrangement is not remembered-does not restart maximized with the different sections stretched as they were in the previous launch-a minor cosmetic issue not worth worrying about.
I think I may have a little headsup on the list population issue:
PT 2009 loads all Windows 7 Driver store-which is, of course, stored in the registry; ie: Adaptec, AMD, Brother, Intel.......drivers/system files claiming they load up inactive (if I have this correct) during boot-in memory. Now, I'm running an Intel x38 chipset and ich9 southbridge in RAID0. Any and all drivers I require are loaded in during install, none of which-other than some generic M$ files for 16-bit , base USB, wireless support etc., or for Safe Mode say-are in the driver store. I noticed PT 2010 loads none of these "driver store" files in Startup Manager as does PT 2009. This, along with the few x86/x64 duplicates accounts for the 359 to 265 difference-I did not actually count it, and won't; I would go cross-eyed first
However, when one compares the two, PT2009 to PT2010, by briefly eyeballing the contents of the listings, this is the variant I am seeing-all the inactive-my system is not using them-files/drivers/associated dll's etc.-are not listed in PT 2010
Does this make any sense to ya'