I downloaded the software without problems. During installation, the X86 Program Files folder was automatically selected as the installation folder. Following installation, the software indicated that it was "analysing your system" and the program started clearly showing X64 version operation.
I ran the program, and it fixed all found errors except for an empty folder in the StartUp folder.
1. I like that the Beta6 correctly identified my system as X64, and ran sucessfully, but
2. I don't like it that an X64 software installed itself in the X86 Program Files folder, but then, only fanatical purists will care about this. I really only care that it correctly identified an X64 system and configured itself for that.
3. I would like for the initial "analyzing your system .. .. .." notice to say what and why? I believe that the auto-configuration for X64 systems should have at least this level of notification.
4. I really like the new interface capability of instant one-click access to backup files. I cannot remember ever having to reinstall any backups from the JV16 software range, but I am not a geek-user, but I like the "comfort level" this option brings.
There are othe Reg Cleaners available, but this is by far the best and safest in my opinion.