ssilvi wrote... I've been using jv16 PT since the original version came out, and it's a great program. But now I am running Win7 Pro and my jv16 PT 2009 will not find my license file. I've copied the file to my desktop, the "My Documents" folder and to C:, ...\Program Files, ...\Program Files(x86), ...\Program Files (x86)\jv16 Power Tools 2009, all with no success. Also, clicking on the "Install new license" does nothing...there is no way to point the program to the correct program location. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. ...
Try using notepad to point your ...\Settings\Settings.dat file at the license.
For example, mine (on x64 Win7 HP) reads:
Filename=C:\Program Files\Macecraft\V\jv16 PowerTools 2009\VIPlicense.xbin
Yours should probably say something like this:
Filename=C:\Program Files (x86)\jv16 Power Tools 2009\License.xbin