poldo wroteI'm using Jv16 2009 on Xp
I would like to know why there is difference between total found errors after a scan and numbers of errors fixed after the repair.
For example jv16 told me 516 found errors (36 keys 480 entries).
After errors have been fixed Jv16 note said "1 registry error were fixed - 0 files, 288 registry entries and 30 registry keys"
Certain registry keys are "mirrored" in the registry by Microsoft. That is, if something about one is created or removed, it comes or goes for the other at the same time.
Similarly, "Fix" changes an entry in or under a key. If the key is a mirrored one, the change occurs for both keys.
The high count represents the number of affected lines in the results list. It includes the mirrored items.
The low count does not include the mirrored items.