tullik wrotejv16 wrote... But still, in your opinion, how should cases like these be fixed?
I'm scanning the registry now (for C:\) to see what other type keys have a path in the name ...
There are 4801 entries in total.
Some like and ...\muicache\... seem to have mainly a historical purpose. Many entries are never, or hardly ever, used now.
These appear safe to remove (so I did), but the entries will build up again over time:
- 118 (...\billp studios\Detected\ActiveTasks\)
324 (HKUS\.Def\Soft\MSoft\Win\shell\muicache\) + 324 (HKUS\s-1-5-18\Soft\MSoft\Win\shell\muicache\)
240 (HKCU\Soft\classes\local settings\Soft\MSoft\Win\shell\muicache\) + 240 (HKCR\local settings\Soft\MSoft\Win\shell\muicache\)
Total of the above = 1246 entries (~25% of 4800)
Perhaps the PT2010 History Cleaner could include the "muicache" items periodically, say every 60 to 90 days.
Also, will the PT2010 Registry Finder have a caption area "explore" feature for items with a path in the name or data? For example: