I confirm that the above key is not detected by PT 2009 on x64 systems. HOWEVER, I think the test "claim" is a bit wishy-washy. There are hundreds (probably thousands) of keys that are unique to x64 systems. To select only one for the so called compatibility test is a bit weird in my opinion. The only way to test is via a side-by-side run of the registry cleaners to see what is found as registry errors.
Whereas PT 2009 is new on the block for x64 compatibility, I feel confident that its x64 detection engine will be refined as user participation demonstrates areas of concern. Personally, I have tested 5 different registry cleaners that are "x64 compatible" and there is not too much variation in what is detected as compared to PT 2009. I know from experience that the same applies to 32-bit systems....various registry cleaners do not fully match in detections.
That's why when I run into something significant like the items posted in the link below, I submit them for Jouni to examine and hopefully refine the detection engine of PT 2009.