PTLite v. run on Vista BE (not SP1)
Interface.dat: made AdvancedData=True and Boxes=False
FileCache.dat: changed so only the C partition would be analyzed by QSA
Performance (elapsed time to display of results list):
First run (default EasyFix settings): ~20 minutes at 95% cpu
Second run (set to use less cpu): ~15+ minutes at ~55 to 80% cpu
Third run (set to use less cpu, and with Sun and Java in ignore words list): ~15+ minutes at ~55 to 80% cpu (java cache contained ~4300 files)
Fourth run (like the third, but after clearing the java cache with a PT2009 Automation Tool task): ~6 minutes at ~55 to 80% cpu
In most runs, the scroll bar did not scroll. It did scroll in one run, out of the ~10 runs done.
Temp Files category shows nothing (count is zero). Every time.
After the list appears, the program runs on at ~50 to 55% cpu. Every time.
After the list is closed, the program runs on at ~50 to 55% cpu. Every time.
Sun Java still shows in the list even with the ignore words noted above.
Sun Java caption says the ~4300 found items are registry entries (they are files).
Right click on the Registry Junk subcategory (for example) shows only the "Never show" option, but thereafter a right click fails to show anything on any category, subcategory, or detail line (and the first presented "Never show" option cannot be selected).
Right click on a detail line sometimes shows several options. Selecting the "Never show" option then brings up an empty "Ignore list editor" window. However, most of the time, you can't do anything useful after doing just the right click.