Sorry for the delay my focus has been trying to recover from this, it is not yet 100% resolved.
jv16 wrote
So what exactly did you do with the product? Ran Registry Cleaner? With what settings? Did you use the Delete button or the Fix? Etc.
Yes, I ran the Registry Cleaner. Default settings. It found errors, I backed up the registry, and allowed it to "fix" the problems.
Brew wrote
You should pull the current version, or prevent it from running on a Vista64 system!
jv16 wroteI'm very sorry to hear that things went wrong, but did not the program say:
"Failed to gain full read and write access to the system registry! Please verify the security settings of your system. This program's registry features (for example the Registry Cleaner) shouldn't be used without full registry access!"?
Yes it did, so I requested support via your chat room. the tech had me download another version, that did not give me that error. However, it crashed while exiting. Your tech said it was still being worked on. So I uninstalled it. That is when the problems exploded after a reboot. And apparently, the backup registry files were deleted when I removed the program?? I still have system start-up problems that I've not been able to resolve, and my anti-virus was very goofed up.