First, let me thank Juoni for changing the way one can select items in the Registry Cleaner results window. I had avoided switching to the new format of error selection (structured list) because I preferred the ability to select individual line items as in the older raw listing. But now that I can pick individual items in the new format, I can use the structured listing with all of the attendant improvements it offers.
Second, I don't know if this is a bug or not--it's not a problem for me--but I thought I'd mention it since I'm posting here anyway. In the Advanced Engine Settings of the Registry Cleaner, if I check the box to enable custom selection, all of the settings are checked except 1) Left-over software data scan, 2) MRU/History data scan, and 3) ActiveX/COM/DCOM/OLE/DDE scan. Under Quick select, Normal is selected. When I run the Registry Cleaner with these settings, the scan completes and I am provided with a summary that omits the registry health score and scan speed graphics. In their places, appears the statement that these are "only available with full scan;" however, if I de-select the Enable the custom selection box in Advanced engine settings, the same boxes are selected as before (though grayed out), and the graphics in the summary are provided. As I said, this isn't a problem for me (or maybe not a problem at all), but I thought I'd mention it, because it seems to provide different outcomes even though the selections appear the same (except for the checked Enable box). Another thing I've noticed is that when the Enable box is selected, if I check "Aggressive" and then re-check "Normal," the "Left-over software data scan" remains checked. So, I'm not sure if that setting is supposed to be checked for "Normal" or not. I use a self-built rig with Windows XP Pro SP3, 2 GB of RAM, and a quad-core Intel processor.
As in years/versions past, I'm quite happy with this software. Keep up the good work.