I must admit that I never thought I'd be writing these words, but this version has displayed more odd behavior & bugs that any of those I've had since PT 2005 (installed on the same Dell computer with WIN XP SP1, which hasn't seen one BSOD, or virus, ever). :(
1) It began with the installation. A widow pops-up and asks me what language I want. The only problem was that there was nothing to select - all blank with some light grey boxes. No button worked except the Next. Having no choice, I pressed next. Fortunately, it was English.
2) Then I got the same ntdll.dll error window as noted in an earlier post.
3) After flushing the cache, and exiting the program, I see no action by JV16 to rebuild it - ever.
4) I used the Duplicate file finder (tried), and had to minimize the window. When I went to restore it nothining happened, it stayed minimized with an icon on the taskbar. I had to stop the program via the task manager.
5) I can't resize (make smaller) the main program window to get rid of the blank space.
Considering what I've read in the forum, and these experiences, I frankly don't trust JV16 PT 2009 anywhere near my registry. I using the 2008 version until these issues are corrected...