jv16 PowerTools 2009, beta 1 (
In general, the program does what it says it does. I tested only the registry tools. The other things are, for me, unhelpful and intuitive. The same tasks can be better accomplished with file manager programs, start-up tools, etc.
1) Installation went smoothly. Can choose partition and folder - GOOD.
2) Registry Cleaner: most aggressive setting: 604 items; safest setting: 161 items.
RegSupremePro (your program I currently use; set to "aggressive") found 1,144 items. This is very curious, indeed!
Fred Langa once did an expose on the hype and outright lies proclaimed by the sellers of many registry cleaners (, which was the basis for my purchase of RegSupremePro. This wide discrepancy between the 2008 most aggressive setting and the 2009 most aggressive setting raises my eyebrows, just the same as some products Fred reviewed.
3) Before allowing RegSupremePro to clean the registry, the PT 2009 Registry Information gave a score of 62. After cleaning, the score was still exactly 62.
The help notes at the bottom of the screen says this is a measure of registry health. After such a massive cleaning of the registry, I would have expected a significant difference. But not even a teeny weeny difference? Again, this leads one to ask, "What is going on here?"
4) Having now thoroughly cleaned the registry with RSP 2008, I now went back to PT 2009, using the cleaner at its safest setting. Items found: 5. At its most aggressive setting: 239 items found.
5) "OK," I figure, "maybe registry health has to do with how well organized the registry is. Let's try compacting it." I did that, then rebooted just to be sure any changes would be reflected. The new registry health score: 62!
6) The first time I ran Registry Information, there was a short help blurb in a frame directly underneath the main window. It explained what the number means. I have been unable to bring that help back since then. I don't recall seeing or clicking any option "Don't show this again." This is bad; I want to go back and review what it said.
That's all for now.
Best wishes with your work!
Bruce Fraser
Merlin, Ontario, Canada