Here already an early remark about the (new) icons in the File Tool and translation problems.
Those icons seems to be arranged in alphabetical order matching their corresponding text name (description) in English (when sliding the mouse point over them). It's the same order as you find after clicking "More functions".
Well, that seems to give issues in other languages because the (alphabetical) order isn't the same as in the English language, not at all :
So when sliding the mouse point over those icons unfortunately you see all wrong descriptions :
I noticed that because I have done already the Dutch translation (for myself). There are still other issues, but that's for later :
Anyway particularly for the reported problem the developer will have to find a fix, especially because he has the intention to provide other (or even all) tools with such Firefox-like icons.
A possible solution is to put the text (description) just below the icon like in Firefox, instead of working with text that pops up when sliding the mouse over the icons.