I have a Regcleaner version that I got somewhere in the late 90's but it was getting pretty outdated and I gave-up searching for a new version a longtime ago. Then I stumbled on this new version now called JV 16 PowerTools.
Since WXP Pro update SP2 I could not shutdown my notebook. I 'v had to remove my battery pack and unplug the mains adapter to prevent it from restarting. The updates are retried every time I startup and login. I stopped the madness by:
Start>Settings>Control panel>System (Properties)>Advanced>Startup & recovery Settings> System failure> Automatic restart> Un-tick
Now at least it doesn't restart on system failure at shutdown and generates the blue screen you would expect here. I still don't have a clue what driver or program causes the problem. It could be when switching back from protected mode to real mode. I disabled automatic windows updater, it doesn't finish the SP2 update anyway because it needs an uninterrupted shutdown and restart cycle.
I haven't found any tools in JV16 PowerTools 2008 that support analyzing the problem. Am I missing something?